Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ Northumberland branch: Gens 3 & 4 ⮞ Gen 5 Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ North Carolina branch: Gens 4 & 5 Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ Arkansas branch: Gen 5 Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ Louisiana branch: Gen 5 |
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![]() ![]() ✾ Banner image = from the lawsuit of Thomas Keeton against John Blackwell, executor of William Parrott's estate. Chancery Records Index 1834-065. Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
Revised and updated 29 October 2022. Genealogy can change rapidly, as new information is found, forcing reevaluations of previous information. Check back for updates before using any of this information. If you cite any of this work, please include the date of last revision. |
William Parrott (ca 1750 - 1824), another member of this family, lived in Lunenburg county, Virginia. No known paper records prove his parentage, but it can be inferred from other existing records. In particular, on 31 Oct 1821, William sold a tract of land in Rockingham county that had previously belonged to his presumed brother, Abner Parrott. William first appears in the record in 1774: Bartlet Estes William Parrott .......................................... 9 SUNLIGHT ON THE SOUTHSIDE, Transcribed by Thomas Walter Duda, Part 11, page 333 William Parrott was a security when Robert Estes' will was administered. Lunenburg County,Virginia Will Book 3, p 38 William established a close relationship with a younger Wiliam Parrott, who was a grandson of Benjamin Parrott, who lived in Rockingham county, North Carolina. The two Williams were often separated by a Sr. and Jr. in the records, though they were not father and son. "Junior, Senior-these terms were used in early times to differentiate between men (and sometimes women) with the same name whether they were related or not. These titles were not permanent, but rather conveniences in colonial families and communities." The older William was married to Nancy (aka Anne) as evidenced by Deed book 23, p 412. "4 February 1815. Wm. Parrott & wife Nancy of Lunenburg to David Smith for $200, 75 acres in Lunenburg adjacent James Smith, Elisha Estes, & land wereon Beverly Burge lives. Witnesses: Francis Smith, William Parrott, Robert Smith Recorded: 14 September 1815." Elisha Estes later bought some of William Jr's father's land in Rockingham Co., North Carolina. A particularly interesting entry is found in Lunenburg County Will Book 8, p 460. 9 March 1825 (from 7 August 1820) Account of Dr. Archibald Hatchett, deceased. Mentions: .., Wm. Parrott, Mrs. B. Betts,.., Wm. Parrot, ... Recorded: 16 March 1825. The significance of this record is that Dr. Archibald Hatchett was the grandson of Mary Ann Parrott Haynie Betts, daughter of Lawrence Parrott of Northumberland Co., and sister to William Parrott of Northumberland. Mrs. B(arbee) Betts was Mary Ann's daughter in law. We know from DNA tests of descendants of William Parrott of Northumberland and William Parrott of Rockingham that they are from the same family, though the exact relationship between remains unknown. This passages suggest that that the two Williams interacted with relatives from the Northumberland branch of the family in Lunenburg. We know from a lawsuit that Ann filed agaist the executors of her husband's estate that she was 74 years old in 1827, meaning she was born ca 1752. Assuming her husband was of a similar age, William Sr. was the right age to have been Benjamin's son, making his namesake, William Jr., his nephew. As is clear from records from Rockingham Co, NC, and Greene Co., GA, William Jr. was the son of Abner Parrott, son of Benjamin. Nevertheless, the two Williams had a close relationship. At one point, the elder William deeded his property to the younger one. Note: Named in the deed of gift was James Ishmael, probable father of Jane Parrott Ealey [source, Ealy Family Heritage Documenting Our Legacy, by Melvin J Collier. 2016]. Descendants of Jane Parrott Ealy have an atDNA match to a descendant of John W. Parrott, of Rockingham Co., North Carolina, and later north Georgia. This John W. is thought to be related to William Parrott of Lunenberg, as his family also came from Rockingham county. A YDNA test from a descendant of John W. is needed to verify the relationship. Years later, when William Jr. moved to Leake Co., Mississippi, he took Jane with him. Based on Melvin Collier's blogThe close relationship between William Sr. and Jr. came to an end just 16 months later, when William Jr took premature possession of Adam, and the two Williams agreed to nullify the gift to settle a lawsuit against William Jr by William Sr. "Six months after the disagreement, William Parrott, Sr. wrote his will on October 8, 1824, leaving his entire estate to his wife Ann during her widowhood for her benefit and maintenance, including negroes, Davy, Peter, Jim, Jenny, Amy, Wilson, Maria, Paul, James, Peter, Bush, Sucky, Patsey, Amy, Jane, Cutty, Hundly. After Ann's death, he instructed that his estate go to his niece, Susanna C. Beasley, the wife of Edwin Beasley of Petersburg, Virginia." The existence of Susanna C. Beasley indicates the existence of another sibling for William, given there is no mention of her in Rockingham county. William Sr. was dead within a month of signing his will, which was probated on 8 November 1824. His death started a long ordeal for his widow, Ann, as the executors sold most of the property and possessions, allegedly to pay off Wm Parrott Sr's debts, and left her destitute. The details are in two lawsuits that she filed against the executors of the estate. In the first, Ann petitions that her executors sell some of the remaining possessions to pay her bills; in the second one, she needs income from her husband's estate. "Ann appeared to have died about six years later in 1830 in Lunenburg County. She is reported in the 1830 U.S. Census with having eight slaves. However, on November 8, 1830, William Parrott was appointed as administrator of her estate; she had recently died." (Lunenburg County, Virginia Order Book 27, p. 182.) ![]() William Jr (b after 1789 - d after 1860, Leake Co., Mississippi) was son of Abner son of Benjamin Sr. This William was born in North Carolina (presumably in Rockingham county) and moved to Lunenburg Co., Virginia. He was married to Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of Julius Johnson and Mary Walker. The name 'Julius' has been useful in tracing the Parrott - Johnson family when they moved to Leake Co., Mississippi. There is however conflicting information on when the marriage took place, being recorded both in Mecklengurg Co. (William Parrott to Jean Elizabeth Johnson, 15 April 1819) and in Lunenburg Co. (15 December 1819 W.E. Parrott to E. Johnson. Minister: Charles Ogburn.) His granddaughter, Sally Parrott, later described her grandfather as "a Methodist preacher who rode horseback in those days they called them circuit rider preachers". William Jr. acquired his own land in Lunenburg Co., and he and his wife sold it on 5 Jun 1822 (Deed book 26, p 74. 5 June 1822). Wm. Parrott Jr. of Lunenburg to David Smith and wife Elizabeth for $230, 75 acres in Lunenburg adjacent Miles Crowder, Wm. Crittenden, Edmd. F. Taylor. Elizabeth wife of Parrott, relinquished dower. Recorded: 9 June 1823. Seven months later, he received the deed of gift from his uncle, acquiring additional land in the process. Note:William Parrott Sr lists Edmund F. Taylor as a friend in his will. William Parrott Jr. eventually became administrator of the late Julius Johnson's (his father in law) estate in Lunenburg and he was working on the estate about 1830:
William Jr. started selling his lands in 1929, and sold the last part in 1933. According to Melvin Collier, "Apparently, Rev. Parrott had financial issues, and in 1830, he used three enslaved people named 'Tom, Minerva and her child Jane' as collateral on a loan." Lunenburg Co., VA Deed Book 29, p. 65, 21 April 1830 There were no Parrotts in Lunenburg Co. for the 1840 census. However, William appears in the 1840 census for Leake Co., Mississippi. William Parrott is listed the 1850 and 1860 censuses in Leake Co., Mississippi, with Elizabeth's brothers Benjamin W. Johnson and James G. Johnson from Lunenburg Co. Benjamin Johnson, had son named Julius, thus confirming the relationship. The 1850 and 1860 censuses in Leake Co, MS, list William as having been born about 1789 in North Carolina, again strenghthening the association with Abner Parrott. Documents: ![]() ![]() Rockingham County, North Carolina Deed Book X, p 89. Transcription by Wayne Parrott No. 3344. Moorehead John from Parrott William Deed for 97 1/2 acres of land. State of North Carolina, Rockingham County. This indenture entered into this 31st day of October AD 1821 between William Parrott of Lunenburgh County of State of Virginia of the one part and John Morehead of Rockingham County State of North Carolina of the other part; Witnesseth, that the aforesaid William Parrott for and in consideration of the sum of dollars hath bargained and sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed unto, and by these, doth bargain and doth alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Morehead his heirs and assigns for ever, all that tract or par- cel of land, lying and being on both sides of Wolf Island Creek in the County of Rockingham State of North Carolina the land originally owned by Abner Parrott and bounded as follows to wit. beginning at a black oak John Durhams courner, thence south fifty degrees seventy four poles to same ____ Durhams other corner, thence North seventy degrees west one hundred and ninety four poles to a sweet gum. thence North fifty five degrees East seventy six poles to a hickory on the north Bank of the creek, thence North twenty degrees west seventy poles to a red oak, thence west twenty degrees south twenty four poles to a pine bush in Joshua Penleys line, thence with said line north eighty four poles to a red oak and Farleys line, then south eight degrees west with said line two hundred and ninenty poles to a white oak and John Moreheads line, thence south thirty five degrees west to a Black Jack Moreheads corner, thence _______ __________ line south fifty degrees west fifty one poles to an ash, thence west one hundered & thirty six poles to a white oak, thence South five hundred and twenty one poles to a black oak, thence north six degrees east on Murphys line one hundred and fifty poles to a post oak, Murpheys corner, thence East on the said line one hundred and forty six poles to a post oak, thence North fifty five degrees west Twenty eight poles to a post oak in Holdleys line, thence North forty five degrees west 25 poles to a black oak, East to the Beginning - containing _____ hundred and eighty one & half acres more or less- to have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land to the said John Morehead his heirs and assigns for ever in fee simple. And the aforesaid William Parrott for himself & heirs hath com parted and warreanted and by these presents doth co venant and warrant and warrant the said tract of land to the said John Morehead his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim or claims of all persons whatsoever.- In testimony whereof he hath hereunto set his hand
and seal the day and date above ---------------------This day came William Parrott be- fore one John R. Daniel one of the Judges of the ___- _____ Courts of Land & Equity for said state and acknowleged that he executed the within for the purposes therein contained and that it was inter lined before it was acknowleged therefore let it be registered this 5 day of May 1822 ---------------------J.K. Donnell, ________ acknowledged in open court ---------------------_________________ State of North Carolina ---------------------on motion ordered by the court that the within deed from Wm Parrott to Jno More head be admitted to probate & registered. ---------------------R. __ Gallowway C.C. Note: This document shows William in possession of land that had been his presumptive brother's, Abner. It is one of the stronger pieces of evidence that William was connected to the families of Benjamin and Abner Parrott. ![]() ![]() Lunenburg County, Virginia Deed Book 25 p 500. Transcriptions primarily by Melvin Collier and Mavis Parrott Kelsey This indenture made this 10th day of December A.D. 1822 between William Parrott Senior of the County of Lunenburg of the state of Virginia of the one part and William Parrott Junior of the aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the aforesaid William Parrott Senior for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I bear to the aforesaid William Parrott Junior and the further consideration that is for services rendered and money paid I give grant alien & confirm unto the said William Parrott Junior all of my estate that I now possess both real and personal my land beginning at a corner pine on Reedy Creek Road thence north on Geo Craigheads line Henry Loves corner white oak thence along the said Loves new Chop line to German Y. Stokes & others line, thence South East on the said Line to Sanfords Line on Cox or near Cox road, on pointers thence West on Sanders line to branch and crown the branch as N meanders to corner maple thence South east on the said Line to Sanfords Line thence south on the said Line to Stout's line and along the said said Stouts Line to Watts corner hickory thence west on the said line to Elders Corner white oak thence North on the said line to ____ road thence West along the same road to Reedy creek road thence North west along the said road the Begininning Corner Pine; together with my Negroes to wit a negro man David, a man named Peter, one negro man named Adam, one negro man named James Ishmeal, one negro woman by the name Amy, one negro woman by the name Jinney, one negro boy Willson, one negro girl name Miriah, one negro boy named James, negro boy named Peter, one negro girl named Suekey and one named Patsey, one negro girl named Amy, one negro girl named Nancy, them and their increase to him and his heirs forever together with the above mentioned land Buts and Bounds at my death & my wife except what parte of the property which the above mention William Parrott Junior has now in his possession and have had for two years is given from this time and all of the above named property I give grant ___ & confirmed unto the said William Parrott Junior and his heirs and assigns forever free from any claim or claims whatsoever __________ & forever defend the right against use & my heirs ___ ____ or assigns forever - In testimony wehereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day & date above Signed and delivered in the presence of Thos. Keeton, W. Crowder. Travis (his X mark) Elder................. Wm. Parrott Seal In Lunenburg County Court, 10 December 1822 the within written deed of Gift from William Parrott Sr to Wm Parrott Jr was presented into Court and proved by the oaths of the witneses thereunto and ordered to be received. Test. ____ Taylor. ![]() ![]() Lunenburg County, Virginia Deed Book 26, p 273. Based on transcript by Melvin Collier (and witness list by Mavis Kelsey. Chancery Cases 1826-021 "Articles of agreement made and entered unto this 7th day of April in the year of our Lord Christ 1824 between William Parrott Senior of the County of Lunenburg of the first part and William Parrott Junior of the same county the second part witnesseth that whereas the said William Parrott Senior did by a deed of gift which bears date on the 10th day of December 1822 and which was duly recorded in the County Court of Lunenburg at December Court 1822 convey unto the said William Parrott Senior all the negroes which was in the possession of William Parrott Senior and which said negroes are particularly named in the said deed by reference to the same it will fully appear also a tract or parcel of land as is described and set forth in the said and whereas some misunderstanding has taken place between the parties aforesaid in consequence of said deed of gift and the said William Parrott Senr. did institute a suit in the Chancery of Richmond to recover back the property conveyed by ___ said deed of gift to William Parrott Junr, and by the said William Parrott Senr did also institute a suit in the Superior Court of Lunenburg County to recover from the said William Parrott Jr the sum of $800 the price of a Negro man named Adam now therefore it is the true intent and meaning of these articles of agreement that the said William Parrott Senr and the said William Parrott Junr do both mutually agree to revoke and make null and void the said Deed of Gift from the said William Parrott Senr to the said William Parrott Junr recorded as herein before mentioned upon the following conditions and also the said William Parrott Jr upon the said condition hereafter mentioned that is to say the said William Parrott Senr hereby agrees to give to the said William Parrott Junr and his heirs forever a certain tract of land wherein the said William Parrott Jr now resides containing 250 acres more or less lying on the south side of ___ Branch the said William Parrott Sr reserving to himself the priviledge of cutivating the fresh ground cleared by him on said south side of said branch and said William Parrott Senr. also hereby agrees to give to the said William Parrott Junr two Negro men slaves to wit, Named lshmeal and Adam to him and his heirs forever and the said Wm Parrott Sr do hereby moreover agree and bind himself in all respectes to place and to quit him the said Wm Parrott Jr in all and every respect upon the same standing and situation ______ as it uses the situation of him the said Wm Parrott Sr before use of said deed of Gift which has been heretofore herein mentioned was executed and recorded, as to his the said Wm Parrott Jr expectation from him the said Wm Parrott Sr estate hereafter. It ____ ___ ____ of the parties herein named to a final compromise of all ______ misunderstandings & law suits between them upon the conditions as is herein exposed which is the true intention and meaning of these articles of agreement - In witnesses whereof we have hereunto signed our names and affixed our seals this day & year first herein mentioned. Witnesses: Edmd. F. Taylor, Thos. Keeton, Henry H. Love. Signed Wm Parrott (seal) and Wm Parrott (seal) In Lunenburg Clerks office 10 April 1824. The within written articles of agreement between Wm Parrott Sr and Wm Parrott Jr was proven by the oaths of two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified, and in said office the 20th day of the same month the said articles of agreemnt was further proven by the oath of the other witnesses thereunto and ordered to be be recorded. Teste. Mont. A. Bacon DC ![]() ![]()
Lunenburg County Will Book 8, p. 404 Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900 for Susanna C Beasley Lunenburg Mixed Records, Vol 7-8, 1810-1826 available on Ancestry In the Name of God Amen I William Parrott Senr of the County of Lunenburg and state of Virginia being in my perfect mind and memory at this time but reflectign on the uncertainty of human life and knowing that it is appointed for people once to die do make ordain constitute & appoint this writing and no other to be my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made, Imprimis, It is thy will and desire that all my just debts be paid out of my Estate by my executors hereafter named, Item I leave unto my beloved wife Ann Parrott all my estate both real and personall, for her use & benefit during her natural life only, for her support & main- tenace only and if there should be any surplus after supporting her, my said wife - there and in that case it is my will and desire that the said surplus if any, sball be disbursed of as is herein after mentioned. Secondly, I leave unto my beloved neice Susanna C Beasley, wife of Edwin Beasley of Petersburg, to be paid in the hand of Miles jordan & Stith E Burton as Trustees for the sale use and benefit of the said Susanna C. Beasley - all my Estate both real and personal of every description for her sole use and benefit under the management and control of the said Miles Jordan & Stith E. Burton for the her use and benefit during her natural life only, and also the surplus profits of my estate after supporting my wife as is herein before mentioned-- Thirdly,. It is my will & desire after the death of my said neice Susanna C. Beasley that all my Estate in Lands, and the following named negroes, to wit, Davy, Peter, Jim, Jenny, Amy, Wilson, Maria, Paul, James, Peter, Bush, Sucky, Patsey, Amy, Jane, Cutty, & Hundly, and their increase and all the rest of my property of every kind. Testator - I do hereby give and bequeath unto Cybella A. Beasley, William H. Beasley, Edwin W C Beasley, Mary R Beasley, & John Stith Beasley, Children of the said Edwin Beasley and Susanna C. Beasley his wife and to any other child or children which the said Edwin Beasley & Susanna C. Beasley may have in their present wedlock to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever. Lastly, I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my Friends Edmunt F Taylor, Miles Jordan & Thomas Keeton executors to this my last will and testament in Testimony whereof I have set my hand and affixed by seal this Eighth day of October in the year 1824. Wm Parrott seal Witnesses Saison Elder Travis (his+mark) Elder Archibald (his+mark) Rose In Lunenberg County Court the 8th day of November 1824
the within written last will & Testament of William Parrott
Senr dec'd was presented in Court for probat by Edmind F.
Taylor and of the executors therein named and on the the motion
of Ann Parrott, the widow of the said dec'd by her attorney
the same is continued untill next court and in Lunenburg County
Court the 13th December following the said last will & testament
of William Parrott Sen'r dec'd was again presented in court for
probat: and the subscribing witnesses thereto having been sworn
and examined & Joseph T Degraffenreid, Edmund F. Taylor, Sally Estes,
Robert Hayes, Henry H. Love, Wm Wood, Miles Browder, William
Williams being also sworn & examined & the court having heard
the argument of consel as well on behalf of Edwin Beasley, as on
behalf of Ann Parrott, the widow & relict of the said decedent
are of opinion that the same will was duly executed according
to law & is ordred to be recorded & Edm'd F. Taylor one of the
executors named the last will & Testament of Wm Parrott Sen'r
dec'd came into court & refused to take upon himself the
burthens of the execution thereof which is ordered to be recorded. ![]() ![]()
Parrott vs Parrott's executors Chancery Records Index 1826-021 To The Worshipful Justices of Lunenburg county in chancery sitting - your Oratrix Ann Parrott humbly complaining show to your worships, that her husband the late Wm Parrott by his last will and testament now of record in the clerk's office of this court, devised to your Oratrix for her use and maintenance during her life all his estate both real and personal, and after the death of your Oratrix he devised the same to Miles Jordan in trust for the benefit of Edwin Beasleys' children and appointed the said Miles Jordan and Thomas Keeton his executors, both of whom have duly qualified as such, and about 12 or 14 months past they they proceded to sell several of the negroes, and various other kinds of personal property belonging to the estate of their testator to pay the debts due from the estate. At the time of the sale and whilst it was going on your Oratrix by and through her friend Wm Parrott Jr. desired the executors to go on and sell enough of the estate to pay all the debts which they had any reason to believe could come against the estate, as your Oratrix should take possession of the bal- ance and hold it for her use and maintenance, which your Oratrix accordingly did. Your Oratrix begs leave further to state, that notwithstanding the first object of the testator as expressed in his will was to provide for the support and maintenance of your Oratrix, the aforesaid executors proceeded to sell all the dead victuals & other means of support belonging to the estate of the testator, and thereby left your Oratrix (who is in extreme old age and infirm) without any means for her support and maintenance, and she has been driven to the necessity of buying on a credit the food for her subsistence hoping that when the money ame due she might by the use and profits of the estate bound to her by her husbands will be enabled to pay it. The only estate left in the possession of your Oratrix by the executors after the sale is a poor plantation with nearly all the cleared land worn out and exhausted, and three negro negro men namely Jim, Peter and Davy, and also James a lad about 16 or 17 years old, Mariah, a young negro woman who has now her first child in her arms, two small negro girls one about 5 and the other 7 or 8 years old, and Amy a negro woman who has been confined to the house for the last 8 or 10 years and the most of that time bed ridden, and totally inade- quate to render any service at all, & therefore a charge Notwithstanding your Oratrix requested the executors as before mentioned to sell a sufficiency of the the estate to pay debts they did not as your oratrix is informed to so, and they have now advertised to sell at Lunenburg January court 1826 and will no doubht proceed to make sale of Davy Jim & Peter, who are the only negro men belonging to the estate: & if they are allowed to do so, the remaining part of the estate so far from yielding a profit for the support of your oratrix will in her opinion be an expense, and thus the provision of her husbands will the first object of which is to provide for the support and maintenance of your oratrix will be defeated & that too by the very executors who have taken an oath to carry it into effect- and thus your Oratrix as she before observed will be left in extreme old age. she being in her 74th year) and infirm in poverty and misery with nothing but the labour of her own hands to provide for herself the ncessities of life, which your Oratrix charge to be against equity and justice, and in manifest violation of her husbands will. Your Oratrix begs leave further to state that Miles Jordan is the leading executor and friendly to the interests of Beasley's children, and your Oratrix is informed that he gives as a reason for selling the negro men that they are now worth as much as they ever will be worth, whilst the young negroes during the lief of your Oratrix will be in- creasing in value for the beneft of Beasley's children your Oratrix also begs leave further to state that she is advised that if an executor or administrator delivers property over to devises or distributes that such exe'or or adm'r has not the right or authority when ever they please to divest such person of property so delivered, and that the person so invested cannot be rightfully divested of the property unless it is done by due course of law, but notwithstanding this your Oratrix is willing that the executors may proceed to sell one of the negro men and any of the other negroes which your worships may think they ought to sell for the purpose of paying the debts and from the estate. In tender con- sideration whereof and in as much as your oratrix is without relief except in a court of equity. To The and therefore that justice may be done your Oratrix prays that Miles Jordan and Thos. Keeton executors as aforesaid may be made defendants to this bill and be complered to answer the allegations thereof, & that your worships may enjoin and inhibit them from selling two of the aforesaid negro men & that your worships may only permit them to sell such of the other negroes as it is just and right they should sell, & grant unto your Oratrix such other and further relief as justice & equity dictates & your Oratrix as in duty bound would ever pray etc - Lunenburg county to wit ![]() ![]()
15 March 1827 Lunenburg County ___ This day Miles Jordan appeared before me, a Justice of the peace for said County & made oath that the contents of this answer as far as relate to his own knowledge are true & as far as relate to others, he believes to be true: Given under my hand this 13th day of March 1827.-- John T Street Clk The Estate of William Parrott to Ann Parrott
___ for money advanced for artikles to reporte the
famaley September the 28 1825 paid Henry H. Love $52: 64 Mrs. Nancy Parrott In sale with Wm McFarland
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